Friday, May 30, 2008

Orange : Rewind City

What if you could rewind a memorable moment ? Freeze time, rewind and relive the moment that took your breath away. Orange, through the agency Publicis Conseil, made it happen in their latest ad. The plot develops in Goa, India. A young lady looks away with a sadden look. A man, seeing this, gives the word for the whole town to rewind the scene. If only it was that simple. So vehicules shift into reverse-gear, pedestrians walk back and painters repaint the original colors. However, the girl is still sad, until a bus stop in front of her. Passengers come off backwards and we can see her face lighting up as, who we can guess is, her boyfriend gets off the bus and kisses her passionatly.

The idea was to draw a parallel with Orange's "TV on demand" service. But getting back on the spot, I was really charmed by the concept having been an extra once and as I was watching this I was telling to myself "man, those extras must have had a rough day" (laugh). To get everyone to have the right timing and also making sure it looks realistic and natural was a real coup for which we can thank the director, Ringan Ledwidge, for. Great commercial when you realise that the concept itself is not really that innovative, yet the creative director was subtle enough to introduce it with flair.

Here's the link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it! Brilliant idea! Nice way to bring to life the product benefit.